Your first five steps for environmental sustainability
If each member of staff or student took just one positive action each day of term, it would add up to an impressive total of 1,272,000 actions each year
Reduce your transport impact – Could you cycle or walk all or part of your commute? Visit the Travel website to learn how the University can support you. Planning to travel for business overseas? Check out our Travel Policy
Save energy in the office and at home – Switch off appliances at the socket and turn off lights when not in use. Dress appropriately for the season; reducing your heating by just one degree can save up to 8% of energy! Only boil as much water as you need, and visit our Be Energy Friendly page for more tips like these!
Use resources more sustainably – When buying goods or services, consider the environmental effects they will have throughout their life. On the University’s preferred supplier list, you can see the items that are more sustainable.
Eat sustainably – Why not choose a plant-based diet two or three times a week, and switch to drinking tap water instead of bottled?
Reduce, reuse, recycle – Think about how things will be disposed of before you buy them, and use WARPit for second-hand items within the University. None of our waste goes to landfill, but a large percentage of it is used to produce energy. Consider our waste hierarchy and follow the A-Z of recycling.