Create or join a team. Green Impact is open to teams of all sizes: any building, department, laboratory or college – whatever suits you. You can search to find existing teams in your area or form a new one. Encourage your colleagues and peers to join in!
Head to the Oxford University page on the Green Impact website. We recommend bookmarking this page for easy access. Click ‘Register’ at the bottom of the log-in box and fill in your details. Please use your Oxford email address to create your new account. Check your email for a verification message and activate your new account. Once activated, head to the ‘toolkit’ section to create or join your team.
Access the toolkit and begin completing actions! Once an action is complete upload your comments/evidence and click ‘done.’ You can search for actions by theme, ‘star’ your favourites and assign them to members of your team.
Marked actions will appear on your dashboard, as well as the points you have towards your award level (Bronze, Silver , Gold, Beyond Gold).