2021 Green Impact Awards announced

Green Impact is an engagement scheme in which teams of staff and students work together to make their buildings more sustainable. Green Impact is an online portal where teams can tick off actions and gain points which lead to awards, ranging from Beyond Gold to Getting Started.

This academic year has been heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, so we offered our teams a choice: to submit and undergo the audit process or to continue with their efforts from this year adding to next year’s workbook. We congratulate every one of our teams for their hard work and continuous effort to improve our environmental impact.

Four teams attained Beyond Gold level, while one reached Gold, three attained Silver and one reached Bronze standard.

Congratulations to all of the following:

Beyond Gold Award

  • Kellogg College
  • Lady Margaret Hall
  • Oxford University Innovation Ltd.
  • Osney One, Bodleian Libraries

Gold Award

  • Saïd Business School

Silver Award

  • Biology Department
  • GLAM Divisional Office
  • Trinity College

Bronze Award

  • Osler House
Collage of images of activities run by Green Impact teams

Examples of activities led by Green Impact teams (clockwise from top left): 'Switch it off' reminder sticker on light switch; reusable coffee cups for staff; bee nest; stationery swap party; Sustainability noticeboard; wildflower bed; sustainable World Book Day celebration; online planning using Padlet to brainstorm; pen recycling collection.

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